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Basic Linux Tools

Command Description
sudo openvpn user.ovpn Connect to VPN
ifconfig/ip a Show our IP address
netstat -rn Show networks accessible via the VPN
ssh user@ SSH to a remote server
ftp FTP to a remote server
tmux Start tmux
Ctrl+B Ctrl+C tmux: new window
Ctrl+B 1 tmux: switch to window (1)
Ctrl+% tmux: split pane vertically
Ctrl+" tmux: split pane horizontally
Ctrl+Right tmux: switch to the right pane
vim file vim: open file with vim
esc+i vim: enter insert mode
esc vim: back to normal mode
x vim: Cut character
dw vim: Cut word
dd vim: Cut full line
yw vim: Copy word
yy vim: Copy full line
p vim: Paste
:1 vim: Go to line number 1.
:w vim: Write the file 'i.e. save'
:q vim: Quit
:q! vim: Quit without saving
:wq vim: Write and quit


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